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42pointSEVEN is a student-run, faculty-guided advertising agency at Michigan State University. I was hired as an Art Director and have gained great experience working with clients. This agency is run the same way a larger agency would run. I get Design and Directing experience here. 

Art Direction

Merrell had reached out to us about helping them with their Back-To-School campaign for Fall 2022. My team came up with the idea of comparing school buildings and playgrounds to the different National Parks around the country. We thought this would be a great way to promote learning and to take summer adventures into the school year. We found our own models and I directed the photoshoot. Some of our images ended up being on the Merrell website and Email.

These advertisements won a Bronze Addy Award in the 2023 American Advertising Awards.
Addy Merrell Kids Retail Window 1.jpg
Addy Merrell Kids Retail Window Kids 2.jpg
Addy Merrell Retail Window College 1.jpg
Addy Merrell Retail Window College 2.jpg
Addy Merrell Retail Window Teacher.jpg
Brand Identity


I was asked to re-brand 42pointSEVEN which entailed re-designing the logo, creating an email signature, choosing a color palette, website design, and creating a credentials deck.
brand identity p1 copy.jpg
brand identity p2 copy.jpg
brand identity p3 copy.jpg
E-Newsletters and Social Media

Design/Social Media Management

42pointSEVEN is in charge of e-newsletters and social media pages for the Advertising & Public Relations Department at Michigan State University. We run the Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and soon Linked In with weekly posts. I create graphics weekly for new events, job opportunities, and announcements. 
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Pizza Day.jpg
Skeleton Ad.jpg
AD+PR Scholarships


The Advertising & Public Relations Department at Michigan State University offers scholarships every Fall. My team is in charge of promoting it with flyers, social media, and emails.
Social Post Graduate.jpg
Caution Tape Ad.jpg
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Social 1.jpg
Spider Ad.jpg
Flyer 2.jpg
ADPRX Talent Portal


ADPRX is a Talent Portal for Advertising & Public Relations students at Michigan State University, to promote themselves for future job opportunities. Talent Managers could go on the portal and contact students they see potential in.
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